Being there in June meant that we got to see a different batch of wildflowers from those in July. All along the Merced Canyon coming in from Mariposa, the hills and roadsides were covered with these flowers that I am pretty sure are Farewell to Spring, otherwise known as Dudley's Clarkia, a type of clarkia that reportedly only grows in California. Clarkia is named after William Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and I wasn't surprised to learn that it is in the evening primrose family. It reminds me of the Mexican Evening Primrose by my driveway at home.
The massive rock that speaks to me of God took my breath away as we entered the valley, and this time I took my own photo.
All six adults in our extended family group were veteran campers with hearts thankful to the Creator for lavishing such beauty on us. One grandfather prayed thanks for the "familiness" we were enjoying and when I heard the word I knew it would be in the title of my blog.
The first day some of us went on an expedition to gather firewood in an area that had been severely burned in 1991. N.G. took pictures of Baby C. sitting in the middle of acres of purple lupine, and later we went into the woods and found the colorful Harlequin Lupine as well--two sisters in that family group.
That afternoon the same group of us hiked past Mirror Lake to Hidden Falls. The last time I had seen the lake it was just a swamp full of horsetail and other such stuff. But this year every body or stream or fall of water in Yosemite is at its fullest and highest, and many families with children were playing in the sandy boulder-studded water as we tromped past.
Rattlesnakes! We saw two on the trail-- One crossed silently, completely ignoring us. But the second one shook his rattle as he slithered into the leaves. I took his picture, too, but he is well camouflaged.
There is little dirt in that place; towering all around are trees with thick trunks, growing out of granite slabs and boulders as big as houses. And water, torrents of it this wet year, pouring off the top of more speckled gray rock in falls that remained hidden somewhat behind huge craggy stones. The water's roar echoed off all the rocks and made talking nearly impossible, and the brightness of the white foamy water glared somewhere out of every photo frame.

All the waterfalls are exciting this rainy year of 2010. B. and I hiked together part way to Vernal Falls, and I read a book while he completed the ascent to the top of the falls. High steps are cut out of the rock next to the canyon, where spray from the waterfall drenches the hikers on the Mist Trail, some on their way back from the summit of Half Dome. We have hiked the Mist Trail several times as a family, but this year my knee hurt just thinking about climbing those steps. The photo above right is of Nature Girl on that trail, aged three, with her papa.
It was a new kind of camping for us, in Housekeeping, where you get three walls surrounding beds with mattresses, canvas roofs over your head, electricity in your cabin and patio area, and hot water in the restrooms nearby. Not like our tent camping at Crane Flat in the past, pictured.

Cooking was fun, shared by the three women. I had a new and hot propane canister stove to replace our old one that was of a kind that we had to pump what seemed to be every few minutes, and even then the burner farthest from the tank never got very hot.
N.G. made a version of Power Pancakes with blueberries. No one had brought a large enough bowl for the batter so we made do with a dishpan.
From Taft Point you look down into Yosemite Valley where the Merced River is snaking along, and across the canyon to perhaps the most thorough view of Yosemite Falls possible. The day before, we had stood at the bottom of that waterfall; the experience from Taft Point is much quieter and drier.
You can also see down to El Capitan, that mass of rock one often sees from the bottom on entering the valley. It's in the upper center of this photo, sloping down to the trees.
We ate our trail mix and crackers sitting on the rock slabs, and let C. out of the pack to wiggle his toes in the granite dust.
So many wildflowers up there remain a mystery to me, even though I have prolonged my vacation (Yes, yes, I know, I should finish putting my kitchen back together or prepare for my soon arriving house guests.) researching them online and writing this blog.
The curious specimen here, for example, has the look of a Longhorn Steershead--the descriptive common name of a flower, Dicentra uniflora--but it doesn't have the leaves to match that identity, which would be a relation of Bleeding Heart. Is it an imposter steer? How could there be two flowers so similar, that are not at least in the same family? Those blade-like leaves must go to something else...but where are steershead's leaves? Very odd. But I can't let that problem distract me from the main point of this flower: God is amazing!
I saw chamomile ready to bloom, and the tiniest alliums: each plant consisted of a single thin stem that I'd have thought was a frail blade of grass sprouting out of the sand up there where there is only wind and rock and sun. But at the tip of a few "blades" were the remains of a half-inch spherical tuft, lying down on the ground at that point because the thin stem couldn't bear it up.
After taking in the views from Taft Point we hiked back to the road and drove on to Glacier Point, the most popular viewing spot in Yosemite National Park. No matter how often I visit the park, I appreciate the broad perspective. You can see where you camped or hiked over the last few days when you were down in the trees.
At Glacier Point the people-watching is unbeatable, because the population is international (Yosemite belongs to the world, or the U.N., or something, after all, which doesn't please anyone I know), and there are so many people.
I didn't know what a ghillie suit was until I asked Moss Boy if I could take his picture, and why he was dressed like that.

Baby Girl was dressed in our family's traditional outdoor clothing when we took this picture of her at Glacier Point nine years ago.
What first caught our ear was a shiny man standing on a prominence and turning to and fro, singing over the treetops an Asian style of chant, a cell phone in one hand and a camera in the other. Two or three other men--one dressed all in black-- and four women were singing nearby at the same time, and the women were tapping their feet.
I asked one of the women, when she was finally walking back to the parking lot, what she was singing about. She was beaming smiles as she said, "Oh, I sing to myself." I didn't want to pry, but she didn't seem in a hurry to get away, so I pressed, "What were you singing about?" She was happy to tell me, "About mountains, high, lonely."
There is no last word that seems to fit after that, unless it would be Psalm 104, revealing to us our Lord,
Who walketh upon the wings of the winds....The mountains rise up and the plains sink down, unto the place where Thou hast established them....He sendeth forth springs in the valleys; between the mountains will the waters run....He watereth the mountains from His chambers; the earth shall be satisfied with the fruit of Thy works....How magnified are Thy works, O Lord! In wisdom hast Thou made them all; the earth is filled with Thy creation....
I am quite jealous. Yosemite is just about my favorite place on earth. I spent several weeks a summer there all growing up. With so many camp spots closed these days the valley has a different lonely feel and the shops all cater to day trippers, but it's still an amazing place.
I'm so glad you got to spend time there.
Oh thank you for the lovely sharing of your familiness vacation! The older photos add so much and the expansion into other visitors...and the rocks themselves were already doing a great job singing...
GJ -- Thanks so much for this wonderfully detailed post -- I enjoyed it so much! I've never been to Yosemite (or California, for that matter) and I probably never will, so I loved viewing it through the eyes of someone who knows it so well. I'm NOT a camper or hiker, but the vistas shown here are beautiful to see.
I missed you. I love that yellow dress, too.
What a pleasure and a blessing for the children!
wow! what a lovely trip! so glad to hear of this blessing! Flowers are such a mercy of God!
I love that first photo of your mother and family.
You certainly were blessed with an unusual variety of people to watch that day at Glacier Point! Good thing you had your camera :^)
Yosemite is just about the only place in California I haven't been yet. Deprived, for sure.
I think the unknown traditional ethnic costume is Hmong or other southeast Asian. Quite a few Hmong have settled around Merced etc.
I love that OLD photo of your mom...and that car. So many lovely photos...what were you cooking on the campstove...shrimp and potatoes...looked scrumptious. And so do the blueberry pancakes!
Marfa, it was an Italian sausage stew. I'm the only Orthodox in the family :-)
Awesome photographs and I enjoyed this post so much. I am drinking Chamomile tea as I catch up on my blog reading. Ever since I watched "The National Parks" on PBS I've wanted to go to Yosemite.
Thank you for sharing!
GORGEOUS! I'd LOVE to go to Yosemite. Maybe one day, but seeing as I live on the opposite side of the continent, it will probably be a while. :-)
Beautiful, beautiful creations from God.
Dana, I think you are right. I saw pictures of Hmong hats online that are very like that woman's at Glacier Pt.
I savored this post. I read slowly and absorbed the beauty in the photos. You must have come home so refreshed!
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