The wisdom I lacked was from being too tired to know that I was too tired to cook. I didn't have a plan for using fennel, so I got along for a couple more days by raiding the freezer. But I didn't want the vegetables to go bad so eventually I read recipes online and opted to make a simple soup.
I started by chopping and sauteeing the vegetable. Already I can't remember if I used olive oil or butter, but some people liked to use a combination. I was looking for a caramelized or roasted effect, and I didn't want to heat up the oven for such a small amount, so I used a cast-iron skillet. I sprinkled on salt and pepper and cooked the fennel slowly. Some of the pieces were too large to actually caramelize, but there was enough sweet roasty flavor coming from the licorice-flavored bulbs to make for a great taste in the resulting soup.
After all the fennel was at least tender, and some was very brown and some was even black, I blended it with water (I meant to use some chicken broth but forgot), then tasted and tested as I added small amounts of cream, sugar and lemon juice, more salt and pepper. I chopped up some of the unused ferny green top to sprinkle on top before serving....and Mr. Glad declared it fantastic. I didn't take a picture of it, but it was brown and full of browner flecks. We ate the whole panful.
Curd: The big bag of lemons I bought even earlier would have lasted weeks more in the cold garage, but lemon curd was easy to put together, and it makes a prettier picture than brown soup, too.
Lemon Curd
1/2 cup butter
grated peel of 1 large lemon
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt if using unsalted butter
3 whole eggs
3 egg yolks
Beat the eggs and yolks together slightly. Melt the butter in the top of a double boiler and stir in all of the other ingredients.
Cook over boiling water, beating constantly with a wire whisk, until thick and smooth, about 20 minutes. Store the refrigerator up to 6 weeks.
Lemon curd makes a nice gift if you put it in a little canning jar with a flowered lid. Too bad for my friends, I just happened to have a pint jar that conveniently held my whole batch. But if you come by for tea really soon we can makes some toast together and slather it on.
Wow, GJ! Your lemon curd looks delicious! It's absolutely beautiful!
Isn't it wonderful when a meal comes together so well, even if you are sleep deprived? I absolutely LOVE lemon curd so I'll be over for toast right away! (smile) I saw a recipe just a couple days ago...Just fill crepes with lemon curd and add a dollop of whipped cream on top. YUM!
Thanks for the lemon curd recipe! I've never made it, but I think I'd like to give it a try, especially now when things are so gloomy outside. Something lemony would brighten up my day!
Very nice! I know about that quandary of being tired and not realizing what one can do... very nice results in the end!
that lemon curd looks fabulous; how did it taste?
I've never eaten fennel before. I've grown it for caterpillar raising, loved the smell and airy greenery, but never eaten it fresh. (I think it is fennel seed that is sometimes on pizza? There is something about the flavor of those that drive me to distraction.I don't like them at all.)
Lemon curd...I concur with everyone else. YUM!
A slather? ♥ Sounds wonderful. I have always wanted to make lemon curd. I have limes on hand. I wonder if I should give it a try?
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